
Expand all subfolders windows 10
Expand all subfolders windows 10

expand all subfolders windows 10 expand all subfolders windows 10

Logically, there’s no reason to have a NumLock key if there’s no number pad, but all of a sudden I feel I need it.

expand all subfolders windows 10

I have PgUp and PgDn on either side of the Up arrow (where that one has non-buttons). The Function (Fn) key is usually present to give you access to the Numpad. I’ve just never seen a laptop keyboard that doesn’t do something like that. You mean your keyboard is not laid out like this, like most are? Yes, there is a Numlk key, but what I’m wanting you to notice is that the / and keys have the plus and minus, which will usually work without Numlock if you press Fn+/ and Fn+

Expand all subfolders windows 10